File Preparation

File Preparation for Flawless Prints
By following the checklist provided and double checking your file, you set yourself up for success and a beautiful print just how you want it. There is also a downloadable link for a checklist file so you can download to keep on hand as you setup and get ready to send files. The downloadable checklist allows you to check off a you go and even save one for each project to ensure you get the best possible print.
Download The Checklist Here
Add a 1/8 inch bleed around all the final print dimensions
If setting up a file for a banner bleed should be 1 inch around
If setting up a file for a Canvas print add 1.5 inches around
Cuts and Creases
All colors should be CMYK or Pantone Spot Colors to ensure proper printed color
Delete all unused swatches
All Blacks should be 100% Black (Cyan 0%, Magenta 0%, Yellow 0% and Black 100%)
Check file for unintended overprint to avoid print errors
All images should be at least 150 DPI however 300 DPI is recommended to avoid
pixelation when printed
All images should be at CMYK
All images should be embedded to avoid missing links in case file editing is needed
(If sending an InDesign or Illustrator file please send the zipped packaged file with a PDF included)
(If sending an InDesign or Illustrator file please send the zipped packaged file with a PDF included)
(If sending an InDesign or Illustrator file please send the zipped packaged file with a PDF included)
(If sending an InDesign or Illustrator file please send the zipped packaged file with the PDF included)